A few quick announcements, none bigger than yesterdays obviously, as we move into the 2018.
I’ve made a few small changes to my CONNECT page. I’m expecting 2018 to be a wonderfully hectic year (again see yesterday’s post) and wanted to make connecting with me a bit easier. On the CONNECT page you’ll notice the ability to schedule what I would call “hang out” times with me. I’m using a service called Calendly to make this happen. So if you want to grab a bite to eat, get coffee, or maybe even sip on something a bit stronger...this is a good resource to reach out and get in touch with me. Of course email and text work too, but this syncs with my Google calendar. Yeah, pretty sweet I know.
I’ve also added my Twitter feed to the bottom of the CONNECT page. Come check out my short profound “wittery” by following me @CoxReverendred on Twitter.
And lastly, moving into 2018 I want to make it a point to host more “black sheep” voices. I’m by no means an exhaustive voice for displaced Baptist, and I am wanting to offer others the chance to add their thoughts and beliefs to the black sheep narrative. Look for guest contributors from other denominational and faith traditions early in the new year.
As you were,